Granulated Bentonite Sulfur 40%

Considering the positive effects of sulfur in reducing the pH of calcareous soils and increasing the sulfate required by plants, increasing the solubility of low-use and high-use elements, especially phosphorus, iron, and zinc, and controlling some fungal pathogenic factors such as surface powdery mildew, as well as the role of sulfur in improving soils Salinity and alkalinity and water modification properties, it is necessary to use Granulated Bentonite Sulfur 40% fertilizer.


40% granular bentonite sulfur fertilizer, which is prepared in granular form for ease of use, is one of the best fertilizers for improving soil pH.

This fertilizer contains at least 40% pure sulfur along with bentonite and other related materials.


In plants, sulfur deficiency appears as yellowing in young leaves and the terminal parts of the plant. Sulfur deficiency has important effects in reducing plant growth. Sulfur deficiency thins the stems and causes the leaves to curl. In plants, the lack of sulfur leads to the accumulation of non-protein nitrogen and the consumption of these plants is harmful to ruminant animals. Also, the lack of sulfur causes the accumulation of nitrates in plants, which is toxic for consuming animals.


After nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, sulfur is considered the fourth essential element for plants. With the explanation that plants need this element even more than phosphorus. Sulfur mainly plays a role in the production of amino acids and proteins. Its deficiency reduces the quantitative and qualitative performance of the product.


Considering that the majority of cultivated soils in the country are alkaline and calcareous, and on the other hand, the lack of organic matter and the non-carbonation of irrigation water limit the solubility of highly consumed food elements and micronutrients, including phosphorus, iron, zinc, copper and manganese. Practically, these elements are absorbed slowly. Therefore, for the reasons that will be mentioned. Sulfur nutrition in plants and its consumption is very important.

Properties of 40% granulated bentonite sulfur

  • Solving the lack of sulfur needed by the plant and increasing the yield per unit area
  • Corrector of saline soils and reduction of soil pH
  • Release of immobilized phosphate in soil
  • Increasing the solubility of food elements, especially phosphorus, iron, zinc, manganese, and copper
  • Reduction in the consumption of phosphate fertilizers and micronutrients
  • Improving the quality of irrigation water
  • Preventing the spread of soil fungi in terms of fungicidal properties of sulfur
  • Disinfecting the soil gradually and helping the health of the environment and reducing the consumption of toxins

Time and method of consumption

You can use 40% granular bentonite sulfur fertilizer before planting crops during plowing.

You can also use it in the holes or strips in gardens.



Use 200 to 400 kg per hectare in agriculture and 1 to 2 kg per tree in orchards.

bentonite sulfur

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